Phone: 814-333-6553 or 814-720-4206
Silt Sock - Erosion Control Products
We are a local manufacturer & distributor of silt sock products. We will deliver and install sock on any job site.
What is silt sock?
-Silt sock is a filter fabric sock that is filled with woodchips. It is a low maintenance reusable environmentally friendly product used for erosion control on jobsites. Filled socks may be used as an alternative to silt fence in many areas, the sock has a lower profile making your project more aesthetically pleasing & easier to access.
How does silt sock work?
-It allows water to flow through at a controlled rate all the while trapping sediment. This is accomplished by a filter fabric filled with woodchips. The design of the sock provides close contact with the ground preventing water from flowing underneath.
Can it be shipped?
-Any quantity of 8" 12" or 18" filled sock can be placed on a pallet and shipped to your projects locations. The 24" & 36" requires installation directly on job site.
Silt Sock is an effective erosion control product. The success of this product relies on proper installation and maintenance. Let us help you to be more green in your next project.
If you have any question concerning deliveries, pick-ups or prices, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our friendly customer service staff will help find the best solutions for you.